Our Elder Scrolls: Blades Town Upgrades & Decorations Guide features all the information you’ll need to level up your town and have it looking good! Town level is actually pretty important, because the higher it is the more you will be able to build and craft.

Prestige is what you need to earn to level up your town. Each time you place a new building or decoration, you get more prestige. You also get prestige from placing buildings on Ruins which removes these broken parts of your town. Town Level determines what buildings you can place, but also how high you can upgrade those buildings. If you want to start being able to craft better items, then you’ll want to focus on building up your town!

One of the issues with town building currently is that resources are very hard to find. Check out our guide on how-to grind those up to make your life easier!

Blades Town Map

The town is made up of build plots and decoration areas. You can place various building on the plots, but some of the larger ones will take up two plots. So, be sure to take that into account when building. Decorations can be placed on the small circle areas, these include trees, banners, statues, and more. Here’s a map where you can see all of the available plots for buildings and decorations (credit to Reddit).

Buildings List

Here’s a full list of building you can place in your town. Each building has a Timber, Stone, and Castle version. These do not improve the quality of the items they create, but only changes up the style and adds a bit more prestige to the building. Some buildings require you to have a higher Town Level before you can build them. I don’t have all the information on required resources for each of the buildings yet, but I will update this when I do.

Alchemy Laboratory

The Alchemy Laboratory is where you can craft potions and poisons. If you are looking for those illusive health potions, then this is where you can get them.

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Required Resources

  • Timber: 60 Copper, 77 Limestone, 88 Lumber Stone: 51 Lumber, 85 Limestone, 68 Copper Castle: 102 Copper, 119 Limestone, 68 Lumber

Enchanter’s Tower

If you want to enchant your items, then this is the building to craft.

  • Timber: 88 Copper, 99 Limestone, 114 Lumber Stone: 66 Lumber, 110 Limestone, 88 Copper Castle: 132 Copper, 154 Limestone, 88 Lumber


Here’s where you can buy and sell armor and weapons, temper, and salvage them for resources.

  • Timber: 95 Lumber, 46 Limestone, 42 Copper Stone: 64 Copper, 80 Limestone, 48 Lumber Castle: ???


If you are looking for decorations for your town, then the Workshop is your main option. It will also sell you materials that are randomly refreshed everyday!


  • Timber: 52 Lumber, 45 Limestone, 40 Copper Stone: 40 Copper, 50 Limestone, 30 Lumber Castle: 60 Copper, 70 Limestone, 40 Lumber



Decorations List

Most decorations can be created at the Workshop, but there’s some that require you unlocking them by completing quests.

Small Decorations

  • Black, Blue, Red, White Banners Bloodfall Banner: The Bloodfall Queen Quest Decorative Planters: 10 Seeds, 5 Copper, 1,500 Gold. Fire Pit: 100 Lumber, 10 Bronze, 2,500 Gold. Imperial Banner: Goblin Quests. Mulberry Tree: 5 Seeds, 1,000 Gold. Potted Plants: 10 Copper, 5 Seeds, 1,500 Gold. Short Shrub: 5 Seeds, 500 Gold. Small Torch: 1 Fabric, 50 Lumber, 500 Gold. Small Cedar Tree: 5 Seeds, 1,000 Gold. Tall Mulberry Tree: 5 Seeds, 2,000 Gold. Tall Shrub: 5 Seeds, 1,000 Gold. Training Dummy: 4 Fabric, 80 Timber, 1,500 Gold. Vegetable Patch: 5 Seeds, 500 Gold.

Medium Decorations

  • Archery Range: 10 Fabric, 100 Lumber, 10 Dye, 4,000 Gold. Aspen Tree: 15 Seeds, 4,000 Gold. Ayleid Warrior Statue Imperial Stall Outhouse: 1 Fabric, 400 Lumber, 6,000 Gold. Pillories: 200 Lumber, 15 Bronze, 4,000 Gold.

Large Decorations

  • Large Elm Tree Tall Cedar Tree