The Elder Scrolls Blades update has just gone live and it brings an update to those problematic Silver Chests players have been struggling with! If you weren’t aware, Silver Chests would very regularly pile up in your chest inventory and take forever to clear out making it difficult to earn other chests without spending Gems to open them. They’ve decided to now relieve some of the burden by making the open time take an hour instead of three! They’ve also added Wood and Elder Chests as potential job rewards, with the Elder ones being extremely rare. Silver Chests will also no longer appear in the Abyss, so you won’t have to worry about stacking them up so much if you’ve been grinding in that mode.

This update is live right now, just open up your app and it will automatically download. Check out the full patch notes below!

Thank you for playing The Elder Scrolls: Blades and helping us make changes during this Early Access period. We’ve updated the following:

  • Silver Chests! These now only take one hour to open, or 12 Gems. (They were 3 hours and 36 gems before). Wood Chests and Elder Chests have been added to Job rewards. Elder Chests are extremely rare, but possible. Silver Chests no longer appear in the Abyss. Adjusted Abyss floors below your level to reward more experience points. Added confirmation for any Gem use above 11, so you don’t accidentally use higher amounts.

Thanks again and keep sending us your feedback. We can’t believe how many of you are playing, and playing a lot! We’ll have more changes during Early Access as we tune and balance the game. Stay tuned!
