Our Elder Scrolls: Blades Abilities List features all of the currently available abilities that you can unlock in the game! Abilities in Blades are to give your character some better moves when hacking and slashing any enemies you come across. If you are playing a character that doesn’t use much magic, then this is the list of skill you’ll most likely want to be focused on.
Blades Abilities List
Damage listings will go up as an ability is leveled, the following only shows the stats from the first level.
Power Attack (1 Skill Point)
A slow but powerful overhead blow deals 30 extra damage (60 with a two-handed weapon).
- Stamina Cost: 145
Dodging Strike (1 Skill Point)
The fighter instantly dodges to evade up to 85 damage, then strikes back.
Shield Bash (Requires Level 4, 1 Skill Point)
The fighter first blocks with their shield, then slams it into the enemy, dealing 36 extra bashing damage. A shield is required.
- Stamina Cost: 155
Quick Strikes (Requires Level 4, 1 Skill Point)
A quick combo of two strikes that each deal 20 extra damage (no extra damage for two-handed weapons).
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Stamina Cost: 205
Skullcrusher (Requires Level 9, 2 Skill Points)
This Power Attack deals 33 extra damage (65 with a two-handed weapon), and ignores both 79 points of the target’s Block Rating and 147 points of their Armor Rating.
- Stamina Cost: 175
Adrenaline Dodge (Requires Level 10, 2 Skill Points)
This Dodging Strike evades up to 76 damage and restores up to 97 Health. The closer the fighter is to getting hit, the greater the healing.
- Stamina Cost: 180
Harrying Bash (Requires Level 11, 3 Skill Points)
This Shield Bash deals 29 extra bashing damage and adds 4 seconds to all of the target’s skill cooldowns. A shield is required.
- Stamina Cost: 190
Piercing Strikes (Requires Level 11, 3 Skill Points)
These Quck Strikes each deal 21 extra damage (no extra damage for two-handed weapons), and any elemental damage done with them ignores 80 points of the target’s Block Rating and 11 points of resistance.
- Stamina Cost: 260
Guardbreaker (Requires Level 16, 4 Skill Points)
This Power Attack deals 39 extra damage (77 with a two-handed weapon) and stuns a target that blocks it.
- Stamina Cost: 215
Focusing Dodge (Requires Level 17, 4 Skill Points)
This Dodging Strike evades up to 91 damage and reduces skill cooldowns by up to 6 seconds. The closer the fighter is to getting hit, the greater the reduction.
- Stamina Cost: 195
Staggering Bash (Requires Level 18, 4 Skill Points)
This Shield Bash deals 45 extra bashing damage and stuns a target that does not block it. A shield is required.
- Stamina Cost: 235
Venom Strikes (Requires Level 18, 4 Skill Points)
These Quick Strikes each deal 27 extra damage (no extra damage for two-handed weapons), and poisons delivered with them are 10% more effective.
- Stamina Cost: 320
Indomitable Smash (Requires Level 23, 5 Skill Points)
During this Power Attack, all resistances are increased by 125. It also cures all of the fighter’s conditions, but deals no extra damage.
- Stamina Cost: 265
Renewing Dodge (Requires Level 24, 5 Skill Points)
This Dodging Strike evades up to 84 damage and restores up to 338 Magicka. The closer the fighter is to getting hit, the greater the restoration.
Reflecting Bash (Requires Level 25, 5 Skill Points)
Up to 33 points of any damage received during this Shield Bash are redirected at the target. A shield is required.
- Stamina Cost: 290
Recovery Strikes (Requires Level 25, 5 Skill Points)
These Quick Strikes can be performed at any time, except when Paralyzed. They each deal 28 extra damage (no extra damage for two-handed weapons).
- Stamina Cost: 375
Reckless Fury (Requires Level 35, 10 Skill Points)
An intense rage increases the fighter’s damage and protects them from being stunned or kill, but also stops them from blocking or using skills. Light, versatile and heavy weapons deal 13, 17, and 21 extra damage, respectively.
- Stamina Cost: 425 Duration: 5 seconds