While Dark Souls 3 introduced many new weapon skills, Elden Ring introduced an even greater amount, making most of these skills interchangeable with almost any weapon. Now called Ashes of War, these skills have completely changed the landscape of combat in both PVE and PVP. While some weapons like Elden Ring’s Winged Scythe have unique Ashes, most Ashes can be applied to any weapon and, with the right tools, can deal different types of damage. However, Elden Ring’s Sword Dance Ash of War can leave some players scratching their heads.

What does Sword Dance do in Elden Ring?

Elden Ring - Sword Dance Ash of War, explained

Sword Dance is an Ash of War in Elden Ring that can be applied to a ton of different weapon classes and offers the same effect on all of them but with some speed differences. When activated, the Ash causes the character to ready their weapon for a moment before moving a medium distance forward at incredible speed, striking twice in rapid succession in a flourish. Activating the Ash immediately will execute a quick downward follow-up strike. These two attacks are the same on any weapon equipped with the ash, but different weapon classes strike at different speeds:

  • Light Weapons: Daggers, straight swords, curved swords, katanas, and axes equipped with Sword Dance will have an extremely short delay before dashing forward, and the follow-up attack will be almost instantaneous, offering an incredibly quick combo.Heavy Weapons: Greatswords, twinblades, greataxes, spears, halberds, and scythes will have a bit of delay before the dash forward, and the follow-up attack will be delayed. Though this can be disadvantageous in PVE, in PVP the delay can confuse opponents as to your next action.

Where is the Sword Dance skill in Elden Ring?

For those wishing to acquire the Sword Dance Ash of War, you’ll need to head into Liurnia. Make your way to the Southwest Minor Erdtree. There, you’ll find a narrow path to the tree’s West. Once you find the path, follow it North until you hear the Teardrop Scarab, find it, then kill it. Once it is dead, the Sword Dance Ash of War is yours!

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