Bandai Namco confirmed it’s been hacked yesterday and admitted that hackers had accessed ‘exclusive’ information on their systems. In a press release today, the publisher acknowledged that there is “a chance” that this includes client information. Bandai Namco, the publisher of popular Souls-like games such as Dark Souls, Elden Ring, and Soulcalibur, said it currently wants to determine the existence and harm of the leak, as well as examine its source.

Bandai Namco Hacked and Customer Data Possibly Leaked

A statement from Bandai Namco sent to Eurogamer confirms the attack and states that the company is presently looking into how it occurred and the extent of the damage. “On July 3, 2022, Bandai Namco Holdings Inc. confirmed that it experienced an unauthorized access by third party to the internal systems of several Group companies in Asian regions (excluding Japan),” the studio said in a statement.

According to vx-underground, which bills itself as the extensive collection of malware source code, Bandai Namco may have been denied access to its data. On the other hand, it was alleged that a ransom was demanded to decrypt the company’s data. If this is the case, it may have a massive impact on Bandai Namco’s operations.

In the latest statement, Bandai Namco acknowledged that the hack could have exposed client data. The statement signs off with an apology to anyone affected if that has happened, adding that Bandai Namco is working with external organizations to ensure this never happens again.

“There is a possibility that customer information related to the Toys and Hobby Business in Asian regions (excluding Japan) was included in the servers and PCs. We are currently identifying the status about existence of leakage, scope of the damage, and investigating the cause,” wrote in the statement.

Bandai Namco stated that more information on the obtained data would be disclosed after further investigation. Since then, the business has taken action to prevent more attempts and is enhancing security. Stay tuned for more information on Elden Ring’s publisher leak.