The Night’s Cavalry is a Field Boss in Elden Ring that Tarnished travelers will encounter several times on their journey through the Lands Between. As the boss’s name implies, this elite enemy always spawns at nighttime mounted atop a black steed but will differ in HP pool, damage output, and weapon type, depending on the location. While players can easily avoid the Night’s Cavalry while trekking the regional highways, defeating this Field Boss type is an undoubtedly worthwhile endeavor. For instance, the Bloodhound’s Step Ash of War is acquired from a Night’s Cavalry in Dragonburrow, Caelid. Hence, Tarnished must understand how to defeat these enemies if they seek their rewards.
How To Defeat The Night’s Cavalry In Elden Ring’
To defeat the Night’s Cavalry in Elden Ring, players must realize that the boss battle with this enemy is best fought passively. The Night’s Cavalry mob will punish Tarnished fighters who actively pursue to hastily land a strike but become vulnerable to those who are patient to wait out its attacks.
Elden Ring: Revenger’s Shack Guide
The moveset of each Night’s Cavalry is generally the same for each region. They possess specific weapon skills for their armament, a forward leaping strike, and several horse attacks. The majority of their abilities are predictable and drawn out, granting Elden Ring players an opportunity to attack once the boss ends its animation. The leaping strike, in particular, is extremely easy to dodge and leaves the Night’s Cavalry highly vulnerable. Yet, one attack that adventurers should be cautious of is its side body slam with its horse. This move often occurs when Tarnished get too close, resulting in them getting staggered and one or two-shotted with the boss’s follow-up.
Keep in mind that the environment can also play a huge role in defeating the Night’s Cavalry in Elden Ring. For example, Tarnished travelers can cheese these Field Bosses using the surrounding walls, ruins, or trees as obstacles to keep the bosses from reaching the player. Therefore, always be sure to check the vicinity for a vantage point where players can avoid the boss’s attacks.
Elden Ring is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.