The Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella is a Great Enemy in Elden Ring that resides in the arena opposite the Nokstella Waterfall Basin in Ainsel River. While the Dragonkin Soldier is technically within the city of Nokstella, its lair is viewable but accessible from the Eternal City itself. Accordingly, Tarnished adventurers must traverse through the lower section of Ainsel River to reach this boss. Starting from the Ainsel River Well Depths, players must follow the river south through the unnamed ant nest or the Ainsel River Sluice Gate. After reaching Ainsel River Downstream, continue up the path northwestward to find the Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella in Elden Ring.

Defeating the Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella

The easiest way to defeat the Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella in Elden Ring is by performing a cheese technique involving melee-striking behind its right knee. When Tarnished attack the boss in this position, the Dragonkin Soldier has no way to retaliate, causing it to rotate perpetually while its HP is chopped away.

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After entering the Nokstella Dragonkin Soldier boss’s lair in Elden Ring, immediately dash behind its arm on the left side. Next, Tarnished combatants must make their way into the crevice behind the beast’s right knee. From here, players should begin executing a basic melee attack or a quick-casting ability that allows them to move with ease. As the Dragonkin Soldier rotates its body in an attempt to attack its opponent, the player will be dragged along the ground behind the boss while remaining unharmed. However, it is crucial that Tarnished adventurers do not lock onto the enemy, since this action will cause the player character to be pulled out from behind the monster’s knee. 

Another important camera-related tactic is to follow the player character as the Dragonkin Soldier rotates. In other words, turn as the monster’s body turns to ensure the Tarnished is facing the camera view. If the boss leaps into the air to execute an attack, dodge out of the way and return to the safe spot behind its right knee. Continue slashing until the Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstellahas been defeated. Slaying this boss in Elden Ring will reward players with 12,000 Runes, the Frozen Lightning Spear Dragon Cult Incantation, and an in-game achievement, “Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella.”

Elden Ring is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.