Starscourge Radahn is one of the most challenging bosses Elden Ring Tarnished must face during the main campaign. A massive and destructive Demi-God of supernatural strength, Radahn is equipped with a bow, two blades, and several magical abilities. An enormous battlefield to the east of Caelid has been dedicated just for his boss arena, an area that players can access by using the Sending Gate at the end of Redmane Castle. However, do not be fooled by the wide-open space provided, as Starscourge Radahn has far-reaching ranged attacks and can traverse across the terrain at an incredible speed to reach his target.

Starscourge Radahn Boss Guide For Elden Ring

Players have a variety of options to defeat the Starscourge Radahn boss in Elden Ring. They can potentially “cheese” Radahn to death by inflicting him with Scarlet Rot while using the available summons to avoid his attacks. Alternatively, Tarnished can use effective ranged attacks or abilities while his aggro is concentrated on the NPC Spirits.

Elden Ring: Larval Tears Guide

While there is no “perfect” method of taking the beastly warrior down, there are several points to keep in mind while facing this difficult boss. First, the fight will always begin with Starscourge Radahn firing high-damage arrows at the player as soon as they enter the battlefield. Players must either perfectly roll-dodge these projectiles or use the destroyed weapons about the arena as cover.

Use the beginning moments of the Starscourge Radahn boss fight to summon as many NPCs as possible. Up to six may be gathered at a time, and players should look to the floating translucent banners in the air for where they can find the summoning signs. While melee attacks are feasible against Radahn, his attacks are so devasting it’s much safer to use ranged attacks and spells. As a result, having him aggroed on the Spirit summons in Elden Ring is a crucial strategy.

During Radahn’s first phase, he will zoom around the arena, attacking random targets. Most of his strikes are easy to dodge upon Torrent. However, his AoE lightning blast will likely catch players off-guard. Fortunately, it won’t do too much damage. His second phase begins with his one-shot-kill meteor strike. Afterward, he will summon rocks and other projectiles to fire at his prey. It is essential to have summons available at this time; otherwise, he will direct his attacks on the player. 

To summarize, the goal is to keep Radahn as much as possible throughout the fight while occasionally landing attacks, as facing him head-on will likely end in a death march for Tarnished. If he ever directs his ranged attacks at the player, jump off Torrent to roll-dodge. Most importantly, never be too greedy with landing hits, as one misstep can end in a swift failure.

Elden Ring is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC.