Our Eastshade Walkthrough and Quest List features everything you need to know to make your way through this beautiful and atmospheric new game! We’ll walk you through how-to complete each quest, and locations for hot springs with other helpful hints and tricks along the way.

Credit to this guide on Steam and this YouTube walkthrough for helping me piece everything together.

Eastshade Map

You’ll receive the map by completing the “Cartographer’s Ink” quest that’s in The Great Shade.

Eastshade Quick Tips

  • Grab any sticks or cloth that isn’t nailed down. You will need it to create canvases to paint on and various other items. Head to the island in the middle of the lake so you can get a better boat. Once you’ve made the trip to Nava, you can use the carriage drivers for free to get back and forth from Lyndow to Nava. Purchase the bicycle and zip trolley as soon as you can to make traveling around the map quicker. You can also purchase a coat that will allow you to travel all over the map without freezing.

Eastshade Quest List & Walkthrough

Help an Old Woman (Tutorial)

Bring the book to the Old Woman from the sleeping quarters. After you complete this quest your ship will wreck and you will end up on Eastshade.

Mother’s Last Wishes (Main Story Quest)

This is the main quest of the story and you will complete parts of it as you progress throughout the game. There are four steps to it:

  • Paint the Great Shade: Pay 60 Glowstones at the Toll Bridge to reach the tree. Paint Anywhere in the Tiffmoor Bluffs: You’ll need either the Bloomsac Raft or Reed Boat to reach the area. Paint from the Highest Peak in the Restless Reach: Complete “The Air Balloon” Quest. Paint the View From Atop the University in Nava: Complete “The Top of Nava” Quest.

Lyndow Quest List

This is the first area you start out in after the shipwreck. You won’t be able to complete all of these quests here and a lot require you to finish them up in Nava.

An Artist in Training

  • Talk to Sanja in Lyndow. Follow her brief instructions to find boards and fabric. Talk to Doruk at the docks for six free fabric. Create a Canvas with your crafting box. Create a painting by selecting a Canvas and selecting an area you’d like to paint. You have the option to give her a Canvas of her own, or you can horde it for yourself.

Stuck in a Jug

  • Head to the house next to the inn and talk to Ehsan who has a jug on his head. Locate Nika. She will probably be in the inn. Bring Nika to Ehsan. Go to Emine’s house that can be found across the courtyard and get soap. You can ask her about Ehsan and it will give you the “An Unsuitable Parent” quest. You can alternatively just tell her to tell the sheriff, but you get 15 Glowstones for telling her you’ll do it. Bring the soap back to Ehsan’s house and give it to Nika.

An Unsuitable Parent

  • Locate the sheriff in Nava and report the gossip.

You could have told her to make the report, but if you told her you would do it then you’ll have to wait until you arrive in Nava to complete this.

  • You can ask her about Ehsan and it will give you the “An Unsuitable Parent” quest. You can alternatively just tell her to tell the sheriff, but you get 15 Glowstones for telling her you’ll do it.

A Prank of Pastries (10 Glowstones)

  • Speak to Ennio who is located over the bridge in Lyndow. Meet Ennio in Nava at the bakery. Talk to Sergio. Talk to Ennio.

A Pompous Patron (25 Glowstones)

  • Talk to Emerik who is in the Lyndow Inn. Paint Emerik.

The Abandoned Tower

  • Head to the tower and try to open it. Talk to Ingov at night by the tower and ask him about the architect of Lyndow.

The Architect of Lyndow (40 Glowstones)

  • Read the book on the top floor of the inn. Go to the Abandoned Tower at night. You’ll need a coat or Meadowspice Mead from Nika if you don’t have one. Talk to Ingov about the architect. Go inside the tower and up the ladder to talk to Azad. Mention the book that praised his work. Meet Azad in Lyndow at daytime. Paint him Lyndow with the Inn, Gazebo, and Town Hall within the frame.

Art for a Fisherman (25 Glowstones)

  • Talk to Najm by the toll bridge. Paint the view from the gazebo in Lyndow.

Feathers for Quills (10 Glowstones)

  • Talk to Yunus just outside Lyndow on the dirt path. Give him three feathers.

A Raft from Bloomsac

  • Befriend Bojan. Give Onur a painting of the beach to learn how to make twine.

The Great Shade

A Rare Bird (30 Glowstones)

  • Talk to Anika. Paint an owl. You’ll find one around The Great Shade, listen for the hoot hoot.

A Wounded Waterfox

  • Talk to Park Ranger Viktar. Go to the Waterfox cave, it’s behind the Park Ranger in the rocks. Look for eggs, they’ll be in nests on the ground. You can then use the eggs for bait in the wooden box in the cave. Back away from the box and the waterfox will go after the egg. The Park Ranger will show up and show you how-to make a tent.

Cartographer’s Ink

  • Head to The Kestrel’s Aerie, which is the inn on the hill near the Great Shade and talk to The Cartographer. Give her four inky caps and she will give you a map!

A Strange Fortune (20 Glowstones)

  • Use the zip trolley from the tower near the Great Shade and arrive at Roshanara’s Tree House. Pick a blackthistle for her (or don’t). Gather five scragweed and bring them to her.

Blushwood Forest

Mudwillow’s Riddle

Just up the path from K&K Apothecary you will find some mirrors you can manipulate. Head to Mudwillow’s Mirror near the river where there’s a plaque. Read the plaque, and then use the mirrors to shine the beam of sunlight onto the fixed lens and it will unlock the trapdoor down to Mudwillow’s cave.

Itself in a constant state of falling, To you, it seems that it’s always stalling, A stony sight when the star hides away A watchful eye at the peak of midday

When day turns dark but at moment in time, When a star goes black though everything’s fine. The largest of eyes that stares back at you A sight that aligns, that’s the moment I choose.

  • You’ll need to head to the western side of Blushwood Forest and find the statue that appears to be a semi-circle in the shape of half an eye. Wait for the eclipse (moon over the sun directly inside the semi-circle) and make a painting of it. Bring the painting back to Mudwillow and she will give you Mudwillow’s Tincture. You’ll need this for a future quest.

Chorus of the Night (70 Glowstones)

  • Talk to Ranya at her house. Locate the drummers during the night. As Ranya said, they don’t come out every night so you might have to use your tent. Once you locate them, return to Ranya. Talk to Leela the Librarian in Nava’s University Library. You’ll need access to Nava first, so continue this quest later. You’ll find the book you need on shelf C. Go meet Alejo at midnight near Mudwillow’s Mirror. Paint Alejo a painting of Nava’s skyline and return with him back to his home.

The Little Mice (17 Glowstones)

  • Talk to Fynn next to Ranya’s house. Gather seven sticks for him (you might already have these). Return the next day. Visit K&K Apothecary for repellent. Return to Fynn.

A Bitter Fish (30 Glowstones)

  • Talk to Aysun by the tent at the lake. Purchase a fishing rod in Nava and then either fish for a Thunder Trout or buy one in Nava. Head to the docks near Tiffmor Bluffs. Use the Thunder Trout as bait to catch Old Pops. Be careful not to snap your line when it turns orange! You can keep the old fish or throw it back. Return to Aysun with the ring.

The Thief of Sinkwood Inn (40 Glowstones)

  • Use a raft to get to Sinkwood Inn, it’s in the middle of the big lake north of Blushwood Forest (you’ll see it on the map). Talk to Kevork. Head behind the inn and you’ll locate a piece of paper in the water. Return to Kevork and he will give you a key to all the rooms in the inn. Radmila’s room contains a book under the stairs that has a number code inside. Use this code to open the box in Vadim’s room. Nikol and a real detective will return soon. Talk to the historian outside to receive a schematic for a reed boat.

Admission into Nava

  • Talk to three different people you’ve done quests for previously and they will give you references.

A Marketplace Romance

  • Talk to Evelina (the bear). Head to the market and find Leilani and ask her about her favorite place. Go back to Evelina and suggest she head to the hot springs. Return to Evelina a day later.

Toxic Tubers

  • Talk to Tam (near Evelina). Locate the four purchasers of the Toxic Tubers: Pipa: Near the big circular structure covering a big garden. Horf: Near the market sitting in front of doors. Jarrik: In the market. Leilani: Near the watermill. Return to Tam.

An Exclusive Club

You will need to have completed the “Mudwillow’s Riddle” quest for the Mudwillow’s Tincture to finish this quest.

  • Pipa: Near the big circular structure covering a big garden. Horf: Near the market sitting in front of doors. Jarrik: In the market. Leilani: Near the watermill.

  • Talk to Halem on the beach. Use the Mudwillow’s Tincture to locate the necklace (it’s nearby in the water). Return the necklace to Halem and he’ll give you the Roots password.


You need to have completed the “An Exclusive Club” quest to complete this one.

  • Talk to Osha. Give Osha the roots password and he’ll give you the sealant.

Tiem’s Command

  • Locate a “Save Our Goddess” poster in Nava. Look for Samiya near the Obelisk in Tiffmor Bluffs and receive the antidote. Take the antidote to the tea vine. You have two options from here. You can tell Samiya and you will receive 30 Glowstones, or you can tell the Roots Leader and give her the antidote. If you do the latter, you’ll be rewarded with an “Ancient Brews” book and unlock three tea recipes.

An Artist for Hire

  • Find the Art Dealer inside the market and show him your paintings. Bring three paintings to Yevheniy who can be found in one of the university bedrooms.

The Air Balloon

Once you reach Restless Reach after the balloon ride you will need to make a painting as one of main story quest requirements.

  • Talk to Pilot Nessa. Show her a painting of the hot air balloon. Paint a picture of her in the balloon while in the air. Place a poster in Nava. Return to Nessa and she will take you to Restless Reach.

An Elixir of Life

  • Purchase a bottle of Melek’s Elixir of Life. Sell it to Zahra at the university. Find five hot springs locations. Hot springs can be found at Restless Reach (need to complete “The Air Balloon” to reach), Seltspring Coast, Westerly Woodlands, Westspring Bluff, and Howling Caverns. Make sure to use an empty vial when you find one of these and fill it up! You can find a Locked Box for a quest near the Howling Caverns location. Return to Nava once you’ve located all five springs. You will be approached by Melek, you can either give him your sample or give them to Zahra. Leave and return later to Zahra so she can finish her tests on the samples. You will receive a pass from Zahra to get to the top of Nava.

If you’re having trouble locating the hot springs, you can use this video for a bit more help:

  • Hot springs can be found at Restless Reach (need to complete “The Air Balloon” to reach), Seltspring Coast, Westerly Woodlands, Westspring Bluff, and Howling Caverns. Make sure to use an empty vial when you find one of these and fill it up! You can find a Locked Box for a quest near the Howling Caverns location.

The Top of Nava

You need to complete “An Elixir of Life” before you can complete this quest. This is another requirement for the main story quest.

  • Talk to the Guard at the top floor of the university, and show him the pass you received from Zahra.

Western Woodlands & Tiffmoor Bluffs

Toma’s Apples

  • Talk to Toma. Follow the trail of apples to locate some children in the woods. Rat out the kids to Toma. Locate the West Tower on Sandysnout Beach on the west side of the forest. Use a reed boat to sail from the beach north to find the Hidden Cove (Look for a broken bridge and a camp).

This quest then leads you into the “Sheltered from the Wind” quest.

Sheltered from the Wind

  • Talk to Tamik on the beach. Make some rope out of twine. Use the rope to rescue Tamik.

Locked Box

  • You might have already gotten this if you’ve completed the “An Elixir of Life” quest. If not, use the zip-line on the west edge of the Tiffmoor Bluffs to reach the island (Westspring Bluff) with the hot spring. From this island, use the zipline to head towards the Howling Caverns location. Don’t go up the rocks, follow the path downwards. Bring the box to Lady Samira at the University in Nava or to the Park Ranger near the Great Shade.

Dormant in the Ice

  • Take your reed boat and use it to sail up way north to Ocean’s Breath and you will find the Excavation site. Talk to Commander Liliana and crew. Sleep in the tent. Talk to the crew again. Head into the cave and use the boxes to reach the floating flame. Return to Liliana to complete the quest.

  • If not, use the zip-line on the west edge of the Tiffmoor Bluffs to reach the island (Westspring Bluff) with the hot spring. From this island, use the zipline to head towards the Howling Caverns location. Don’t go up the rocks, follow the path downwards.